Materials & Tools
Filofly 999 Copper Wire, Dead Soft, Round
– 1 piece of 3 inches (20 Gauge 0.032 in 0.81 mm) for bending heart part
– 1 piece of 6 inches (20 Gauge 0.032 in 0.81 mm) for bending heart part
- 1 piece of 30 inches (24 Gauge 0.020 in 0.51 mm) for wrapping part
- 1 piece of 5 inches (24 Gauge 0.020 in 0.51 mm) for bead part
Filofly,14/20 Gold Filled Wire Dead Soft,Round
– 1 piece of 20 inches (24 Gauge 0.020 in 0.51 mm) for wrapping part
– 1 purple heart bead (preferably 4 mm)
– Wire cutters
– Round nose pliers
– Flat nose pliers