Free Tutorial 5

Tiny Heart Beads Nickel Wire Earrings


  • 4 pieces of 2.7 inches (21 gauge 0.028 in 0.723 mm) Nickel Wire Dead Soft Square (for shaping part)
  • 1 piece of 30 inches (28 gauge 0.013 in 0.33 mm) Filofly, 999 Fine Silver Wire,Dead soft,Round (for wrapping part)
  • 2 pieces of 2 inches (20 gauge 0.032 in 0.81 mm) Filofly, 999 Fine Silver Wire, Dead Soft, Round (for hook part)
  • 2 pieces of ¼ inches  (20 gauge 0.032 in 0.81 mm) Filofly, 999 Fine Silver Wire, Dead Soft, Round (for jump Rings)
  • 4 pieces of 3 inches (21 gauge 0.028 in 0.723 mm) Nickel Wire Dead Soft Square (for hook clasps part)
  • 2 pieces of Green heart bead (preferably 4 mm)(for heart bead part)


  • Round nose pliers
  • Wire Cutters  
  • Flat nose pliers    
  • Chasing hammer
  • Steel block
1 of 5

Happy wire wrapping

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